Autodesk 3ds Max, formerly 3D Studio, then 3D Studio Max is a professional 3D computer graphics program for making 3D animations, models, games and images. It is developed and produced by Autodesk Media and Entertainment.

Viewing and Navigating 3D Space

Everything in 3ds Max is located in a three-dimensional world that you view through one or more viewports . You have a variety of options for visualizing this enormous stage-like space, from the tiniest details to the full extent of your scene.

Using multiple viewports can help you visualize the scene. Here, the largest viewport shows the view from the camera depicted in the other viewports.

Basics of Creating and Modifying Objects

The Create panel contains controls for creating new objects, the first step in building a scene. Despite the variety of object types, the creation process is consistent for most objects. Typically you create objects interactively with the mouse; alternative methods are available. For details, seeCreating an Object.

The Modify panel provides controls to complete the modeling process. You can rework any object, from its creation parameters to its internal geometry. Both object-space and world-space modifiers let you apply a wide range of effects to objects in your scene. The modifier stack allows editing of the modifier sequence.


Keyframes record the transition points in the animation of any element in the scene, such as the motion of an object or the bend amount applied by a modifier. The values at these keyframes are called keys.

The red boxes indicate keyframes, the dotted line shows the interpolated trajectory.


Controllers, like constraints, handle the animation tasks in a scene. They store animation key values and procedural animation settings, and they interpolate between animation key values.

The animation controllers are organized in the following categories:

  • Float controllers: for animating floating-point values
  • Point3 controllers: for animating three-component values such as colors or 3D points
  • Position controllers: for animating positions of objects and selection sets
  • Rotation controllers: for animating rotation of objects and selection sets
  • Scale controllers: for animating the scale of objects and selection sets
  • Transform controllers: for animating general transforms (position, rotation, and scale) of objects and selection sets

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